10 Days til Graduation

The days are starting to go so fast. At first it was taking too long, now I don’t want it to come. I’m finally graduating College, the biggest accomplishment of my life (so far). What to do next? I was thinking about this yesterday, and the first thing that came to my head was “It was all a dream”, popular line from Notorious BiG. I don’t know why that came to me, but it’s true. It was all a dream. The moment I thought about coming to University of Miami, I didn’t think I was going to get in. To be honest, the only reason I applied is because I had a crush on a football player that went there. I seem him on TV one time during a game and I told myself I had to meet him! Funny thing is, I never met him. I do thank him though, because if it wasn’t for him, I would never decided to come to Miami and begin the life I now started. Crazy how things happen. I am a true believer of what’s meant to happen, will happen. So now I’m jut counting down the days. Working out, trying to look good for my graduation, and summer of course. To be continued…


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